Stokesley Sports and Community organisations

Stokesley Community Organisations

StokesleyTown Council Town Hall Stokesley TS9 5DG. 01642 710270

The Globe Stokesley community library Town Close North Road TS9 5DH 01609 533461
Mon, Tue, Thu 2 to 5pm Fri 10 to 4pm Sat 9.30 to 1.30pm Closed Wed & Sun

Stokesley Show The North's largest one day agricultural show

The Stokesley Pride-in-our-Town Association Aiming to Encourage and Sustain a Sense of Pride in Stokesley

Stokesley Local History Group Meet on 3rd Monday of the month. New members welcome, we are very informal, call in for a chat and coffee.

Stokesley Probus Club for retired professional and businessmen

Stokesley and District U3A - the University of the Third Age

Stokesley & Villages Regeneration group

Stokesley & District Community Care Association "support local voluntary organisations and community groups to get the help they need,"

Hambleton Community Action offers a range of services and practical interventions that enable participation – Social, Economic and within the Community.

Rotary Club of Stokesley

Stokesley Cycleways Group is seeking to develop safe cycle routes linking Stokesley and the surrounding villages and to promote Stokesley as a "cycle friendly" tourist destination.

Stokesley Rural Watch Patrols Also known as Country Watch and Farm Watch

Stokesley & District Choral Society rehearses 7.30 on Monday nights at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church hall. New members welcome - no audition required

Stokesley Photographic Society Meet weekly in Stokesley Town Hall on Thursday evenings from September to April.

Reuse & Recycling groups like Freegle & Freecycle match people who have things they want to get rid of with people who want them.
Northallerton & Thirsk Reuse Group covers most of Hambleton & Richmond
Don't throw it away, give it away! find your nearest group

Rural Action Yorkshire formally Yorkshire Rural Community Council, support and advice for rural community groups and village halls.

Sports Clubs & Organisations

Stokesley Junior FC is based at Stokesley Sports Club.

Stokesley Sports Club FC

Stokesley Tennis Club Broughton Road Stokesley TS9 5JQ

Stokesley Amateur Swimming Club are based at Stokesley Leisure Centre

Stokesley Cricket Club

Stokesley Hockey Club

Stokesley Netball Club

Outdoor Pursuits

Stokesley Cycleways Group is seeking to develop safe cycle routes linking Stokesley and the surrounding villages and to promote Stokesley as a "cycle friendly" tourist destination.

Stokesley Golf Range

Zenith Leisure ".. offer outdoor adventure activities across the North East of England and throughout the UK and abroad for adults and children."